

These policies are intended to provide the Board, its committees and the membership with direction as to the handling of situations which may arise from time to time.

Additions and alterations to these policies are to appear on the agenda of the AGM of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools for ratification.


The Board is elected by the membership to carry out the day to day activities necessary to operating the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools.

It is understood that the Board was elected in good faith by the membership with the understanding that the decisions taken by the Board would be in the best interest of the majority of schools.

The Board will reveal to the membership by way of reports the activities of the Board. These will be provided in the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools Newsletter or by direct mail out.

This section is intended to provide the Board with guidance by way of policies regarding activities which may arise from time to time.

i) The Board Composition:

a) There will be a minimum of five Directors on the Board. At all times the majority of the Board must be Canadian Residents.

b) The board will at all times be comprised of members from not less than two provinces.

c) There must be a minimum of one private school and one public school represented on the Board. If the Nomination Committee is not able to meet this requirement, and all schools of the affected category have turned down any nominations, the Nominating Committee may fill the position with any other member.

d) There at all times must be a quorum of elected Directors at meeting.

ii) Board Members:

All members of the Board must meet the following:

a) Be not less than 18 years of age

b) Not have declared bankruptcy

c) Be a member school Representative

d) Disclose any association with other member schools

iii) Nomination to the Board:

1) Each Board member will be elected for a period of two years.

2) A Board member may allow their name to be nominated to consecutive terms of office with exception to the President. However, it is recommended that no Board member will hold the same office for more than three consecutive terms.

3) The office of President will be elected for one year. Nominations to the President may be from any member school or from the Board. The president may be reelected by the membership at the AGM for a second one-year term.

4) A former President once completed their term of office, may be reelected to the office of President provided they have not held that office in the prior two years.

5) A member of the Board may run for President during their term of office. Should that individual be successful in their bid for President they will then vacate their previously held Board position and nominations will be taken to fill that position on the Board for the balance of their term.

iv) Removal of a Board Member:

Removal of a Board member may occur if the board makes a resolution at a meeting clearly stating the reason for removal and vote with a majority to remove the individual from the Board.

Reasons for removal:

1. If it is found that a member has misled the Council in their disclosure for membership.

2. If they cease to be representatives for a member school.

3. If they breach the Bylaws of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools.

4. If they are found to be in conflict of interest with a member of the Board.

5. A board member may be removed if they are absent for three (3) consecutive meetings. Resolution for removal of Board Members must provide the following:

1. The written reason for removal from the Board.

2. Be signed by all members of the Board except the departing member.

3. Be ratified at the next meeting / AGM of the members.

Should a member be removed from the Board by resolution, the Board may appoint a member school to fill the position until the next meeting of members where the membership will have the opportunity to elect a new member for the balance of the term.

v) Vacancies on the Board:

1. Vacancy on the Board may result from death, removal by a 51% total membership vote at a Special Meeting, Board decision or resignation.

2. The Board may request that an elected member step down from the Board should the Board no longer meet the composition requirements, as stated under Board composition.Reasons for requesting a member to step down may be:
- A member moves to a province represented by two members already.
- Changes to public status or private status resulting in the Board no longer meeting the required composition of at least one Private and one Public School to be represented.

vi) Appointments by Board:

The Board may co-opt members to fill vacancies resulting on the Board, provided that at no time is there less than four elected members on the Board.

Appointed members must meet all requirements for holding membership on the Board and must assure that the composition requirements of the Board are in place.
Ex: If the vacancy created on the Board also resulted in no private schools on the Board the appointment must be a private school.

Notification to the membership regarding changes to the Board must occur when:

1. There is failure of the Board to meet the requirements of Board composition.

2. A situation arises where the Board cannot meet a quorum of elected members on the Board. The Board must call a meeting of members to fill the vacancy by election if the Board fails to have a quorum of its elected members.

3. An elected member vacates a position on the Board or is removed from the Board.


Meetings may be by phone or in person, with a minimum of one face to face meeting per year.

Business of the Board may also occur by way of circulating documents to all Board members, where Board members will vote and sign the circulated document or by conference call where all members confirm approval by email of acceptance of minutes of the meeting.

i) Place of Meeting:

Meetings of the Board may occur anywhere in North America. However, any meeting outside of Canada must meet the following requirements.

1. Be approved prior by the members at a meeting where the location and reason for holding the meeting in this location are disclosed to the membership.

2. A meeting outside of Canada may be approved by the Board without notice provided that the members of the Board cover any additional costs above what normally occurs at a face to face meeting of the Board.

3. A meeting of the Board may occur outside of Canada provided a quorum is achieved by either members present or participating by conference call.

ii) Board Members Attending Outside Meetings:

Should it occur that the Board feels that a representative should attend a meeting of a group other than the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools Board or membership, the following procedure must occur.

1. The Board must include in the minutes, the reason for attending such a meeting. The cost of the meeting must be provided including travel, meals, accommodations and any other expected fees. The membership will vote on the request at the AGM.

2. Should a situation arise where notification of a meeting provides insufficient time for the membership to be notified, the Board by unanimous decision may grant approval for a representative to attend the meeting. The membership must then be immediately notified of such action and the reason why.

3. The representative to the meeting must provide a written report of the outcome of the meeting to the Board. Such a report will be circulated to the membership in the regular package at the AGM, or within the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools Newsletter.

iii) Cost of Meetings of the Board:

Regardless of the location of meetings of the Board, the costs of such attendance will maintain the most reasonable minimum cost by following these policies:

1. Be the most economical category of Air Fare.

2. Have a limitation of meal expenses of $40.00 per day.

3. Where an elevated meal cost occurs, reason must be provided.

4. Not include any entertainment or alcohol expenses, unless such entertainment is a part of duties.

5. All expenses must be submitted to the Board with receipts attached.

6. All expenses must be approved by the Treasurer and President.


The Board will manage the Business of the Council in accordance with the Bylaws and the policies.

Meetings of the Board will take place a minimum of four times per annum. Additional meetings may be called by the Board as the need arises and provided the majority are in agreement.

The business of the Board will occur at such meetings provided a quorum is present. Should a quorum not be available the Board may choose one of two options.

a) Continue the meeting for the purpose of discussion but no voting or resolution may be passed at such a meeting. The Board must call a second meeting to approve any actions of the Board, or it may choose to circulate in writing the minutes of the meeting and have all Board members sign their approval of the actions.

If the option of circulation be considered be objected to by a Board member, a new meeting must be called.

b) The Board may choose to pick a new time for a meeting to occur where a quorum will be present.

i) First Meeting of the Board:

Immediately following the AGM the Board will convene its first meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be as follows:

1. To establish committees such as: Finance, Membership, Meeting and Planning, Newsletter, Bylaws, Education and Nomination Committee.

The Board need only approve the chairs of these committees at this meeting.

2. Establish the date, time, location and avenue by which the next Board meeting will occur.

3. Discuss any pertinent material that is pending upon the Board. The Board shall provide to the membership a list of Committee Directors at the earliest opportunity.

Following the first meeting of the Board all following meetings will be approved by the Board and notified immediately to the Board members.

Meetings of the Board will require a minimum of 14 days notice unless all Board members are in agreement to have the meeting earlier. No meeting may be called with less than 48 hours notice.

If the need to have a meeting within 48 hours is reasonable the Board may recess and reconvene at the agreed time.

ii) Conflict of Interest Policy:

A conflict of interest would be considered if any of the following has occurred:

a) A member of the Board will personally gain financially from their position.

b) A member uses their position on the Board as an avenue to obtain financial gain without such gain being equally offered to all member schools.

c) A member has not disclosed their association with another member school.

d) Where a member school by virtue of their position obtains or causes to be obtained the paid services of a family member or friend without that member school disclosing such association.

e) Where a Board member holds membership in an organization that would be considered to have a similar role but is in competition to the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools, and does not disclose such membership.

Where a conflict of interest is revealed, the Board will review the circumstances and determine the effect such conflict may have on the CCMTS and may by a majority vote determine any position or action to be taken.


i) Policies Regarding Documents:

All documents that are created and approved by the Board or the membership are to carry the date of approval in the form of a footnote. (Approved 10/06/98) (mm/dd/yy)

Should the document be revised or altered from the original the foot notes will reflect the original date and the new revision. (Approved 10/06/98 Revised 12/26/00)

Any additional revisions will reflect the most recent revisions in the foot note. (Approved 10/06/98 Revised 10/15/01) All documents created in draft should reflect the draft and the date.

ii) Policy Regarding Complaint toward a Member School:

From time to time a complaint toward a member school may be made aware to the Board. Such complaints must be provided in writing.

The Council will review the complaint and determine if the said complaint is a breech of the Bylaws of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools.

A) If the complaint is one that would be considered a breech of the Bylaws, the Council will issue a letter stating what the complaint was and note that if this is true what sections of the Bylaws would be breeched. The letter will contain a request of clarification of the matter by a noted date not less than 30 days from receipt. The letter will not be in the form of a threat but rather a request for clarification. The letter will be sent by registered mail.

Upon receiving a response, the Board will review the information provided and determine if the matter requires further consideration. If no further consideration is needed and explanations are deemed adequate, the Board will issue a letter indicating the matter is then closed. A copy will go to the plaintiff as well.

If the Board finds that the complaint is founded and that the member is in a breech, the Board will issue a letter by registered mail stating that a breech of the Bylaw appears to have occurred and the avenue by which rectification may occur. The letter will include a time frame for said rectification to be completed by.

If the member does not meet the time frames noted, the Board may request the member to attend the Board meeting stating the date not less than 30 days from notification at which the matter will be discussed. The Board will also call the original plaintiff to the meeting.

At this meeting the Board will weigh the information and come to a final position. If the final position is that the member must comply or lose membership privilege, this will be noted to the member at the meeting.

Dismissal of a member must be notified and ratified by the membership at the next AGM.

B) If the complaint is not a breach of the Bylaws. The Board will issue a letter stating the complaint made to the member school and note that the Board will not be pursuing the matter past that point.

iii) Policies regarding the use of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools and Advertising:

As a member of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools all members may make reference to the fact that they are members. Any reference by member schools must be professional and not misleading. The CCMTS is a volunteer organization of member schools and is neither a governing body nor accrediting agency. No references that would indicate such are to be used in advertisements. The single reference to be used is: "_ (School Name) _______ is a member in good standing with the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools and has agreed to abide by the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools bylaws and policies. By so agreeing the School will conduct its activities in a professional and accountable manner and work together with other Member Schools to further advance the field of Massage Therapy.

Any school found to be making reference as a member but is not in good standing with the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools will be contacted in writing by the Board requesting that they cease to make any references to the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools and given 30 days to comply.

If the school does not comply within the time frame noted, the Board may, at its discretion, place notice in any local media noting that the mentioned college is not a member in good standing with the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools.

iv) Policies for advertising:

The Council is not a policing body; however, member schools do agree to conduct their activities in an ethical and professional manner. The following guide is in regard to advertising;

1) Member schools will avoid the use of any misleading advertisement that is not able to be substantiated.

2) Member schools will avoid the use of such terms as "the best," "the oldest," "the only" unless such statements can be substantiated.

3) Member schools will not use any derogatory statements toward a fellow school.

4) Member schools will be truthful and not misleading to prospective students.


Other than the committees noted as Standing Committees in the Bylaws, the Board may create committees on an"as needed" basis.

Any new committee will have its purpose stated and the projected time for the committee to complete its task. The Board will determine a maximum budget for the committee to operate in.

All committees will be required to provide a report to the Board four times per year.The final report will be in the form of a year summation of activities to go to the membership.

The Board will approve the Chair of each committee.

The Chair will be responsible for obtaining committee members as needed. Committee members need not be member schools, should it be found that individuals with expertise in a topic or skill may provide valuable input.

At the first meeting of the committee the Chair will:
A) Appoint a Secretary to take minutes of the meetings.
B) Establish the items of reference for the committee for the year.
C) Establish a proposed budget for the committee to complete the task.

Following the first meeting of the committee, the Chair will assure that a report is submitted to the Secretary of the Board noting the following:
1) A list of committee members.
2) The proposed items of reference for the committee.
3) The proposed budget.
The Board will review the submissions at the next Board meeting for approval.

The Chair will assure that a copy of minutes from each subsequent meeting is provided to the Secretary of the Board.

i) Nomination Committee:

At the first meeting of the Board following the AGM, the Board will appoint a committee to obtain nominees for elected positions to the Board at the next AGM.

The term of this Committee will be one year, terminating immediately upon completion of elections at the next AGM.


A minimum of 60 days prior to the AGM the Board will notify to the Chair of the Committee the number and offices to be open for election at the AGM.

The Committee will be responsible for obtaining nominations to the positions by the following:
- Contacting member schools by phone.
- The Committee will endeavor to contact those schools that have not held a position on the Board for the longest period of time.
- Receive nominations from the Board or member schools for individuals to sit on the Board.

When a member agrees to take office the Nomination Committee will ensure the following:
A) The nominee is in agreement to hold the position.
B) The nominee meets the requirements of Board member eligibility.
C) Verify the nominee, if elected, would not conflict with the composition requirements of the Board.
Once the Committee has obtained a qualified list of nominees it will forward the list to the Secretary of the Board to be mailed out to the membership with the AGM package a minimum of 25 days prior to the AGM.

ii) Responsibility at AGM:

The Chair of the Committee will take over the Chair of the AGM during the election of members.

The Chair will note the position up for election and the slate of nominee to that position.

The Chair will call three times for any nominations from the floor. If no further nominations are brought forward, the Chair will call for the vote.

Prior to commencing the vote each member will be provided with three ballots for each position. The ballots will be distinguishable by color reflecting the first, second and third ballots for each position.

Where a position has more than one nomination, an individual is declared as elected by obtaining the maximum number of votes.

Only one position may be open to vote at any time.

The Chair will declare the results of the election.



The President once elected will Chair the meetings of the Board. The Chair is to ensure that the meeting follows the agenda and maintains the time frames approved by the Board.

Chairing the Board Meetings:
1. The President will call for the items as noted on the agenda.
2. Following each item, discussion will be called. Where discussion is both pro and con the Chair will alternate between opposing points of view.
3. Following discussion the Chair may call for the question, they may then call the vote.

Additional duties of the President will be:
To speak on behalf of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools.
The President may only speak on positions approved by the Board or the membership.
The President must avoid any personal opinions when speaking on behalf of the CCMTS.
If a situation arises where this is unavoidable the President must be clear that the statements are personal opinions not that of the Council.

The President is an ex-officio member of all committees.
The President is responsible for maintaining contact with the Chairs of the committees and provides guidance and encouragement in the absence of the Council.

The President may invoke upon the Vice President any duty that is agreed upon by the Board.

The President will Chair the AGM of members.

The President will cease to hold office upon the election of a new President. The Past President will continue to be a board member for one additional year.


Any of the Duties of the secretary may be redistributed to any third party provided such distribution is approved by the Board.

i) Meeting Coordination:

The Secretary will be responsible for organizing any conference call meetings requested by the Board and notify the Board of any particular items, of importance making it necessary for members to participate in the call.

The Secretary, unless otherwise agreed, will organize the location of any face to face meetings and rooms, refreshments etc.

Together with the President, the Secretary will establish and circulate the agenda for any meetings. The agenda must be circulated a minimum of 48 hours prior to the meeting.

ii) Taking of Minutes:

The Secretary is responsible for taking the minutes of the Board and the AGM. The minutes of the meeting will include the following.

1. A list of those in attendance and any apologies of absence.

2. The start time of the meeting.

3. Establishment of quorum.

4. In regards to items of the meeting it is understood that the minutes will reflect a summary of any items discussed but need not include any specifics of discussion unless so requested by a member in the meeting.

5. The minutes will reflect any final positions taken at the meeting, any issues voted on and the out comes and any issues deferred to following meetings.

6. When reports are presented at the meetings the report is to be provided to the Secretary in writing and the Secretary will ensure that the reports are attached to the minutes. If discussion arises from a report the Secretary only need record outcomes or positions by the members.

7. The end time of a meeting.

8. The time and location of next meeting.

The Secretary will circulate the minutes of Board meetings to the Directors with in 21 days.

The Secretary will circulate the minutes of AGM to the membership within 45 days of the AGM.

The Secretary will sit as Chair to the Meeting and Planning Committee and Newsletter Committee.

iii) Newsletter Committee:

The Newsletter Committee will be responsible for gathering information to be provided to the membership in the form of a newsletter. The newsletter is to be sent to the membership semiannually.

The Secretary will assign Newsletter Editor that will be responsible for the creation of the newsletter. The Committee will further, when possible, obtain representation from three regions of Canada. The West including B.C., Alberta and the Yukon; Central including Sask., Manitoba, Ontario, N.W.T. and Nunavut and the East including Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.

The Committee will work toward creating a newsletter containing the following:

a) Presidents report

b) Committee reports

c) Upcoming events

d) Advertisements

e) Letters to Editor

f) Additions as the Committee see necessary

g) Maintain information from Provinces reflecting eligibility of students to practice.

iv) Planning Committee:

The Planning Committee shall be responsible for organizing the Annual General Meeting of the Council. The duties shall include:

A) Obtaining the location of the event.

B) Contacting speakers as needed,

C) Sending out notices of the meeting,

D) Collecting of registrations

E) Monitoring the events planned.

v) Minute Book:

The Secretary will maintain an archive of the minutes and reports of the separate Committees, the Board, and the AGM. The archive will be in the form of a minute book or files maintained by the Secretary.

The Secretary will ensure that the minute book of the Council is maintained accurately.

The Secretary will have access to the minute book at all meetings of the Board and membership.

The minute book, or a copy of it at the expense of the member, will be accessible to members through the Secretary within 30 days of a written request.

vi) Incorporation Requirements:

The corporation must file an annual return and particulars in the anniversary month of incorporation of each year, this is the responsibility of the Treasurer. Forms regarding this will be forwarded to the address of the office of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools. There is an annual filing fee required at time of submission. The annual return is to be submitted not later than June 1 of any year.

Failure to submit the return in two consecutive years will result in the corporation being dissolved.

Whenever there is a change in the Directors, notice of the change must be submitted to the Corporations Branch. There is no fee required. The change of Directors must be submitted within 15 days of the change.

Whenever there is a change in the Registered Office of the corporation this must be notified to the Corporations Branch.

vii) Charitable Status:

Should the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools at some point choose to move to a Charitable Status, an application for such must be submitted to obtain a Charitable Registration Number. This may be advisable should the organization choose to obtain funding for research.

ix) The Corporate Seal:

The Seal of the Corporation will be held by the Secretary of the Society and the Council will request the Seal as the need arises.


i) Responsibilities at AGM:

Prior to commencing the meeting the Membership Director will verify that all members in attendance are; in good standing, that a quorum is present what the total number in attendance is and what the maximum number of possible votes is for associated schools. The Membership Director will provide these numbers to the Chair of the meeting.

The Membership Director will provide in writing a report on the membership activities for the year. The report should include but not be limited to:

a) The total membership at last reporting.

b) The number of new members over the year.

c) The number of withdrawals if any.

d) Any new contacts cultivated.

e) Any new benefits to members.

f) Any proposed alterations to membership dues and the reason why.

g) If the membership dues are being requested to increase, the Membership Director will bring forth the motion in the report.

The Membership Director is to provide the report in writing to the Secretary. The report maybe presented by a verbal summary or presented as circulated.

ii) Membership Committee:

The Membership Director will sit as Chair to the Membership Committee.

The Director may increase the Committee by the addition of individuals to assist in the responsibilities of the office.

The Director is responsible for assuring that minutes are taken at meetings of the committee in a manner as described under the Secretaries' duties.

Where the Committee comprises only the Director, the minutes of the Committee may take that of a report reflecting the activities of the Committee.

Membership Committee Guide

iii) Obtaining New Members:

The Committee will create and then review a form letter that will be sent to the appropriate education department in each province obtaining an updated list of registered schools on an annual basis.

Periodically notification of membership to the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools may be noted in the AMTA COS publication attracting new American members.

A letter of introduction will be sent to each school listed that is not a member of the Council. The letter will include an overview of activities, what the Council has been active in, the application form and a list of benefits. Schools not taking membership:

It is the goal of the Council to obtain as many schools as possible into membership. The Committee will contact schools not holding membership once per year. This may be by letter but may also be by phone contact.

The purpose of contact is to obtain the reason for not holding membership and secondly to obtain any concerns that the contacted schools may have. Outcomes of such contact will be recorded in the Committee Report to Council.

Any school applying for membership will be granted the status of a single member school as per the Bylaws.

Iv) The procedure for a school entering membership is as follows:

1. The applicant should be provided immediately with a copy of Bylaws and the rules of the Council to ensure proper understanding.

2. The Applicant must complete the application to the Council and submit all pertinent documents to the office of the Council.

3. The Council Secretary will forward all applications received during any week, by the Friday of that week to the Membership Committee for processing.

4. The Membership Director or the individual designated to review applications will do so within seven days of receipt. The reviewer will ensure that all documents have been submitted. Should there arise some component of the application that is incomplete the reviewer will contact the applicant for clarification.

5. Upon assurance that all documents have been submitted a letter will be issued to the Applicant that all documents have been received and their application is being processed by the Committee for final review at the next meeting and provide the date.

6. The Committee will review all applications and may grant temporary membership status to the member. The Committee will provide notification to the Board in the Committee Chair's report at each Board meeting as to what schools have met requirements of membership.

7. The Board will then vote on acceptance of new members.

8. The Secretary to the Board will then issue a letter of acceptance and Certificate of Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools Membership to the new applicant noting their status as a member in good standing.

v) A Member in Good Standing is defined as any member who:

A) Has completed the application of membership and is in agreement with the Bylaws of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools.

B) Has paid all membership dues in full.

C) Has revealed any association with other member schools.

D) Is managing their school in accordance with the Bylaws and policies of the CCMTS.

E) Is in agreement with the goals of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools

F) Is advertising their school in a professional and ethical manner.

vi) Guideline for Multi Campuses:

A campus is defined as any location that provides 60% or more of a program's instruction.

Where an applicant submits that they have more than one location that provides 60% of its program, the applicant may choose to:

a) Register all campuses under one membership
Where the applicant registers all campuses as one membership, the membership fee will be based on the sum of all full time students registered at all campuses.
Ex: If there are three campuses with 50 students at each, the sum will be 150 students and membership fees will be based on that number.

b) Register each campus separately
Where the applicant chooses to register each campus separately, each campus will have its membership fee based on the number of full time students in each campus. In this scenario, each campus would be considered a separate member.

Should the applicant choose to apply for this option, they must be informed that the campuses will be considered as "Associated Membership Schools" and voting will be limited to 10% of the total membership at the meeting according to the Bylaws.

vii) Ownership of Associated Member Schools Policies:

The situation may arise where more than one school or campus ownership reflects 51% by a single individual or group. It is therefore the policy of the Council in accordance with the Bylaws to ensure that no situation arises, that such a group could control the votes of members. To ensure that all members have an equal voice in matters the Council has agreed that such schools will be recognized as "Associated Member Schools."

Associated Member Schools are those that have ownership of 51% by a single group. In such situations, provided that associated schools have registered independently the total vote will be limited as follows.

1. Where a meeting of membership occurs, the group of associated schools will be limited to 10% of the total votes available at the meeting. Example, if a total of 14 members are in attendance, no group of associated schools will have more than two votes on issues.

2. Where an owner or operator has more than one campus but has registered them in their entirety as one member school that school will have one vote.

In the package mailed to members prior to the meeting there will be a voting form noting the name of the school and the individual who will vote on behalf of that member school. All voting forms must be placed in the hand of the Secretary prior to the meeting. A copy is attached.

viii) Proxy Vote:

Member schools may vote by proxy on issues but in such situations the member school and the proxy will be considered Associated Schools, and not be able to carry more than 10% of the vote.

ix) Membership Lists:

The Membership Committee will be responsible for maintaining that all information on membership is as current as possible. Should any documents or mail be returned, the Membership Committee will endeavor to contact the member by phone to obtain corrected information.

Twice per year the Membership Committee will forward an updated list of members to the Secretary and to any business or corporations, approved by the Board, that provide special discounts or rates for member schools.

x) Reports:

The Membership Committee will submit four reports per annum to the Board. The report will reflect the activities of the Committee over the previous quarter. The final report will be submitted to the Board prior to the AGM and will reflect an overview of the year's activities including new schools made known to the Committee, new members and any information obtained from schools that are not members.

xi) Reporting to the Board:

The Director will provide a report to the Board a minimum of four times during the year reflecting the activities of the Committee.

The report should follow that described for the AGM.

The report is to be in writing and submitted to the Secretary a minimum of 14 days prior to the meeting at which it will be discussed.


The membership dues will be set each year at the Annual General Meeting. Any alteration to the membership dues must be approved by a majority of members at the Annual General Meeting.

Membership dues are determined by the total number of students enrolled within the school as full time students. A full time student is considered to be any student that is enrolled in 60% or more of the full course load of a massage program.

The total number of students enrolled in a school will be noted on the application of membership and on the renewal of membership for each school. It is understood that student enrollments will be accepted as submitted on the honor system.

i) Notification of Membership Dues:

The Membership director will send out notification of membership dues to each member school 45 days prior to the year end. The notification will include:

A) The membership rates.

B) A renewal application.

C) A cover letter.

ii) Members Submitting Dues:

Once a member has submitted a membership renewal to the Membership Committee, the Membership Committee will:

A) Forward membership fees to the Treasurer.

B) Issue a new certificate of membership.

C) Note the membership renewal in a report to the Board.

iii) Members Failing to Submit Membership Dues:

Failure to submit membership in 30 days:
The Committee will send a letter to the member stating that membership has not been received and this is a final reminder.

Failure to submit membership in 60 days:
The committee will issue a letter stating they have not received a response to the first letter giving a 30-day notice and they wish to know whether the member chooses to maintain membership. If no notification is received within another 30 days, the Committee will notify the Board of non payment which would constitute a member "not in good standing," resulting in removal from the membership list.

iv) Withdrawal of Membership:

Should a member choose to withdraw from membership, notification of such is to be submitted to the office of the Secretary.

If a member chooses to withdraw from membership, they must return any files or documents to which they have been entrusted as a member of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools.

v) Certificate of Membership:

The Certificate of Membership is the property of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools and is to be returned upon withdrawal of membership.


i) The Treasurer will sit as the Chair of the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee may be increased in size as is necessary and by individuals to which the Board or the Director may feel will benefit the Committee.

Finance Committee Responsibilities

The Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer and will be responsible for reviewing anysubmissions regarding funding and provide recommendations to the Board.

ii) The Treasurer will maintain the accounts and records of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools. These duties will include but not be limited to:

a) Opening an account for the Society and maintaining monthly balance.

b) Collecting all requests for payments by the committees and authorizing then if they have been approved by the Board either by direct reference or by approved budget.

c) Write out cheques and attach a copy of the request to the cheque to be passed on to the second signing officer.

All individuals that are responsible for the handling of funds of the Council must be bondable.

iii) Managing of Funds:

It is understood that there will be the requirement of collecting of memberships and paying operating expenses of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools. These will be managed by the Treasurer under guidance of the Board.

All cheques issued by the Board must reflect two signatures.

The Treasurer will maintain accurate financial records for the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools and they will be available to the Board at any time.

The limitations of the Treasurer to issue cheques will be to a maximum of $1000.00 without Board approval.

The Board may have the power to approve any transaction to a maximum of $2000.00. Any transaction above $2000.00 must be approved by the membership prior to performing transaction.

iv) Remuneration:

Any Board member that has incurred expenses in exercising their role as Board member will submit an expense sheet to the Treasurer on a monthly basis. All expenses must have receipts attached with submission. The Treasurer will issue a cheque to the maximum of their limitation to the Board member. If expenses exceed the Treasurer's limitations, they will submit a request to the Board for approval prior to issuing a cheque. Such approval is to be obtained at the next Board meeting.

Policy Regarding the Borrowing of Funds:
The Board will at no time borrow funds or pledge the assets of the corporation without prior approval from the membership.

The Board may request a motion from the membership for the purpose of: Purchasing Real-estate or Purchasing Equipment.

Any request for authorization of funds must include the following:
1. The reason for the request of funds.
2. The amount of the request including all costs and expenses associated.
3. The rate of interest to which the loan will be secured.
4. The length of the loan.
5. The expected impact on the members by the indebtedness.
The membership must approve any loan by a majority vote of the membership at a meeting where notification of that intent had been provided to the membership.

vii) Treasurer's Report:

The Treasurer will provide a report to the membership at the AGM. The report will include the financial statements for the most recent year end. The report must reflect the following,but is not limited to:

1. Revenues
From memberships
From Grants / Bursaries
From other sources

2. Expenses:
Office expenses
Meeting expenses
Board meetings
Committee meetings
Conference calls
Special Requests
These should have an addendum of requests attached.

* Note if a new program or policy has been requested by the membership, that cost should be broken out and reflected either on the balance sheet or as an addendum.
Advertising and Promotion
Profit and Loss
The report is to show the previous year's expenses as well.

viii) Auditing:

The financial report for the corporation is required to be audited.

Each year at the AGM the membership must approve the auditor for the coming year. The audit of the financial report maybe completed by two members approved by the membership, such auditors however, may not be members having signing authority for the organization.

ix) Budgets:

The second part of the report should incorporate a budget projected for the upcoming year. The budget should note the same items as is reflected on the balance sheet.

If any large alteration in expense is projected or noted the Director should address the reason in the report.

If the Treasurer feels that an increase in membership fees is warranted this should be noted to the Board for discussion.

x) The Financial Records:

The financial records will remain in the hand of the Treasurer until such time as the office is terminated.

xii) Corporate Tax Return:

The CCMTS must submit a corporate tax return each year. This must be filed within six months of the year end.


i) Will be responsible for taking over the duties of the President in their absence:

It is the responsibility of the office to be aware of the activities of the Council. In the absence of the President the Vice President will act as Chair.

ii) Should the President's position become vacant the Vice President will become the acting President until such time as a new President may be elected:

In such a situation the Board may co-opt a new Director to fill the opening created on the Board and distribute such duties as they see necessary.

iii) The Vice President will be the Director of the Education Committee:

The Vice President will submit reports on activities within the committee a minimum of four times per year.

iv) The Education Committee:

It is the directive of the Education Committee to work toward meeting goals D.E.G.H. as listed in the Bylaws. The Committee will work to establish four subcommittees to meet the goals. Subcommittee Chairs will become members of the Education Committee.

a) A committee to advance standards for the profession

b) A committee on accreditation

c) A committee on public awareness

d) A committee on research

v) The Terms of Reference for the Education Committee will be to:

A) Promote awareness of the CCMTS with governing agencies which have an effect on Massage Therapy Schools.

B) To educate the public on the benefits of Massage Therapy.

C) To be a source of information regarding the requirements to practice in any Province and the curriculum requirements in each Province.

vi) The Subcommittee on Advancing the Standards for the Profession:

The mandate of the subcommittee is to gather information on the present standards of Massage Therapy in Canada and report back to the Education Committee on its findings.

The second part of the mandate is to provide recommendations as to how the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools may play a role in advancing those standards or endorsing them.

vii) The Subcommittee on Accreditation:

It is the Subcommittee's mandate to communicate with CMTA and other national organizations in the Massage Therapy field to establish the reasons for accreditation. It will then be the mandate of the subcommittee to contact present accreditation agencies for Massage Therapy Schools and seek answers to the following questions:

1. Are there any present requirements for Massage Therapy Schools to be accredited?

2. What are the benefits to each process?

3. Where accreditation is required, would any particular process be recognized by all requiring agencies?

4. What costs are involved?

Once the Subcommittee has gathered the information, they will submit the report and any recommendations to the Board.

viii) The Subcommittee on Public Awareness:

The subcommittee, mandate is to contact provincial and national organizations on Massage Therapy to establish a liaison with them in the area of public awareness and then, determine the activities schools can provide in the way of education to the public. Proposals are to be submitted to the Board. Massage Therapy Schools need to be contacted to find out what the schools have been doing in this area to date.

ix) The Subcommittee on Research:

The mandate of the subcommittee is to contact as many sources as possible who presently conduct research in Massage Therapy. To propose a venue by which member schools may access that information and make suggestions on what we as educators can do to further the area of research.

x) Bylaws Committee:

This Committee will be chaired by the Vice President and will be responsible for reviewing the Bylaws of the CCMTS and evaluating the minutes of the Board to establish if any changes to the Bylaws should occur.

The Committee will submit any proposed Bylaw changes to the Board for appearance on the AGM agenda.

The Corporations Branch is to be notified of changes to the Bylaws upon approval of the membership.

Changes to any Bylaw of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools require a vote of 2/3rds of the total membership.

Changes to the policies once approved requires a majority vote of any meeting of the members where notice of the meeting has been provided to the entire membership and the change to the guideline has been clearly stated within the notice.


At each AGM, the date of the next will be proposed. The final approval of the AGM date and location will rest with the Board.

Notification to membership of dates and location will be made as soon as possible.

Members may request items to appear on the AGM agenda. Submissions must be provided to the Secretary in writing a minimum of 45 days prior to the AGM.

All reports from committees and Board positions must be submitted to the Secretary a minimum of 45 days prior to the AGM.

The Board will have a meeting between 30 and 45 days prior to the AGM for final approval of AGM agenda.

Immediately following the Board meeting, the Secretary will complete the printing of the AGM package and mail it to the membership.

An AGM package must be mailed to the membership a minimum of 25 days prior to the AGM.

i) The AGM package is to contain the following:

1) Agenda of the AGM

2) All reports from committees and Board.

3) Any proposals to be voted on at the AGM.

4) The financial statement for CCMTS.

5) The proposed budget for the coming year.

6) Motions to come before the membership.

7) List of nominees to the Board.

8) List of all member schools in good standing.

At the meeting, the Chair will follow proper Robert's Rules of Order, maintain time frames and assure fair discussion occurs.

Reports may be presented verbally as circulated however; all reports will be open to discussion.

All reports will be motioned for acceptance from the presenter and seconded from the floor.

ii) Meeting Procedures:

Membership Director's Responsibility at AGM

1) The Membership Director will verify the status of members present at the meeting

2) The Membership Director will verify that a quorum of members has been achieved.

3) The Membership Director will notify the membership of the maximum number of votes available to any group of "Associated Member Schools."

The Secretary will inform the Chair of any proxy votes.

The Chair will clarify voting privilege of members.

The Chair will call the meeting to order.

The Chair will ask for any changes or additions to the agenda.

The Chair will ask for the approval of the agenda.

The Chair will then proceed through the agenda calling for each item.

The Chair's responsibilities will be to maintain order during discussion.

Discussion will alter between points of view.

The Chair will call for the vote following discussion or a member may call for the question. If a member calls for the question, the chair will call for vote. Immediately following the adjournment of the meeting, the Chair will have the ability to call a special meeting to discuss the future needs and plans for the organization.

iii) Voting:

Each Member School is entitled to one vote except where the members are associated schools.

In the situation where schools are associated by ownership, that group of associated schools will have its total number of votes limited to 10% of the total membership present at the meeting.

Where a school has submitted a proxy vote with a fellow member school and that proxy has been duly registered with the Secretary of the organization, the proxy holder and the proxy school will be considered as if they were associated member schools and have the maximum of any total vote limited to 10% of the total number of members present at the meeting. A copy of the form for proxy votes are attached as appendix, and is to be included in the mail out to members prior to the AGM or any meeting of the general membership.

Honorary members of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools are not entitled to a vote unless they are also a member school in good standing.

Each member school is to submit to the Secretary prior to the commencement of the meeting notification of the individual who will hold the power of the vote for that member school. A copy of the form noting recognition of the vote is attached. The noted form is to be part of the mail out to members prior to the AGM.

Votes will be by show of hands unless a member requests a vote by ballot.

Elections will be made by closed ballot.


I, _______________________________________________, representing the

________________________________ a member school of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools do hereby pass on my vote by proxy to the representative for

_______________________________ also a member school of the Canadian Council of Massage Therapy Schools.

We do understand that we will be considered as associated schools for the purpose of voting at this meeting.


Representative for Proxy School


Representative for Proxy Holding School


I, __________________________________________ do hereby nominate

____________________________________________, representative of the

member school _________________________________________,

for the position of ________________________________________.





(Name of School)

Approves that _____________________________________________

shall be the individual that shall have the power to vote on matters for the above mentioned School.



